
explore biotic community
Connective Earthworks: Gerri Sayler's Mandalas at Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute (Autumn 2018)
By utilizing the long-revered tradition of a sacred circle, my goal will be to create a series of unique mandala and spiral artworks for this project at sites on the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute grounds.
I intend for these landscape artworks to vary in size from small to larger-scale, and to be composed of natural materials gathered on the PCEI grounds.
Like the Native American phrase "Medicine Wheel," the intent of these works will be to represent the interwoven link between humans
and nature. Whatever heals or helps is good medicine. Like this aesthetic tradition and spiritual tool of indigenous peoples, the mandala and its related spiral form, is a universal way of speaking to the notion that all
life runs in cycles. Now, more than ever, is a critical time for connecting with Earth’s energy and tapping its visual potency to empower the healing of our lives both individually and collectively.
My role as artist for this project is to connect humans to nature but also to create a cohesive body of work that might be said to "rhyme" from site to site across the grounds to offer a pleasing connection to something deep in our shared psyche that is beyond my understanding. I can merely touch on what I perceive to be meaningful (though beyond my comprehension), while making a visual connection to work that resonates for me individually as well as collectively for visitors.
- Gerri Sayler
Gerri Sayler uses fibers as her sculptural material, and has created nearly two dozen installations for museums and galleries across the Northwest during the past decade. For more, visit: