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Beautiful & Chaotic:
poems by John Walton
The greatest thing about poetry is that you don’t have to lie. Often in other forms of writing the writer will twist the moment at hand for the reader, giving it a little more attraction than it probably had in reality. Maybe this is a stretch and not proper to say, but when I was asked to participate in this project... I held this belief closely.
It’s very simple to me: nature IS beautiful, ordered and chaotic, ugly too. And since you don’t have to lie in poetry, all you have to do is find the right way to display it using metaphor, rhythms, and maybe even rhymes. It is all already there for you as a poet. You just have to look at it correctly.
- John Walton
John R. Walton has lived in Pullman, WA, for nearly 20 years and—though born in California—considers the small, intimate town his home.